2014: The Year in Review

Dr. Amy Wechsler Sounds off on the Year’s Best Beauty Innovations

Every January countless American’s look forward to the New Year and the idea of a fresh start, however to fully appreciate the beginning it is imperative that we not only look forward but also look back. “2014 brought us some of the most exciting innovations and developments in beauty and skincare,” says Dr. Amy Wechsler, renowned dermatologist and psychiatrist specializing in the mind-beauty connection. Here, she shares some of her thoughts on the biggest breakthroughs of the past year.

Holistic healing took center stage.

For the last several years the concept of the mind-body connection has been widely accepted and incorporated in treatments for a variety of ailments but the mind-beauty connection has still been somewhat overlooked. 2014 brought a renewed look at stress, external emotional factors and how they all can play a role in not only how we feel but how we look leading to more effective treatments and long-term results.

New ingredients were introduced into skincare.

2014 brought a slew of new superstar ingredients designed to smooth, heal and erase signs of aging.   A few highlights: ground-down fine gems in the form of a fine powder that act as a microexfoliant and fermented yeast known as Pitera which helps even skin tone and soften the skin for a more youthful appearance.

We looked to the East for innovation.

For years the leading skincare technology and treatment came from Europe, but in 2014 all eyes were on South Korea as the emerging beauty leader. Releasing everything from gadgets to ingredients, American consumers couldn’t get enough.

Beauty took a Sci-Fi turn.

The invention of 3-D printers and their use for all things beauty and otherwise became a worldwide news story. Entrepreneurs and beauty-gurus have been working to create printers for everything from customized makeup to skincare routines. Soon, a trip to your local beauty counter for a crème or serum may be obsolete.

2015 is sure to bring new pioneering ideas and technology, but as we anticipate and celebrate the great inventions of the future, don’t forget to take a moment to remember the building blocks from the past on which they stand.




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