The Power of Suggestion: Managing Post New Year’s Resolutions with Positive Reinforcement

By Lincoln McElwee

Be honest with yourself. Now that the New Year’s festivities are over, are you sticking with your resolutions still? If not, don’t despair—the fact of the matter is that you aren’t alone. According to research conducted earlier this year by the University of Scranton, only about 8% of Americans are actually successful in achieving New Year’s resolutions.


Don’t want to be a statistic? Well if you’re ready for a real change after perhaps years of broken promises to yourself, you’re probably open to a few suggestions. Here’s one: when traditional methods of obtaining your goals just won’t cut it, try managing your post New Year’s resolutions with the power of suggestion instead.

That’s right—the power of suggestion!

And who better to help you reorient your goals than someone who wrote the book—two books, to be exact—on reassessing (and reinforcing) the human potential for change.

Rena Greenberg, MD, is the author of The Craving Cure and The Right Weigh. Through clinical hypnosis, including a breakthrough treatment called weight loss hypnosis, Dr. Greenberg espouses the potential for change in areas traditionally clouded by ineffective results. In areas such as weight-loss and smoking cessation, Greenberg’s methods allow clients to finally make good on their promises for change, and all of this through positive reinforcement and the power of suggestion.

President of Wellness Seminars, Inc., Dr. Rena Greenberg has appeared in over 100 success stories—both in magazines and in newsprint—and in over 65 television news stories, including Woman’s World Magazine, FOX TV, USA Today, NBC-TV News, CBS TV, and ABC-TV Nightline.

One of the most popular treatments offered by Rena Greenberg is her Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery, a process where actual weight loss can be achieved without undergoing a costly surgery with potential side-effects. The hypnosis surgery is conducted through the natural, safe AND effective process of clinical hypnosis, where Greenberg walks each patient through the gastric bypass process.

Clients relate the sensation of having an actual lap band placed on their stomachs after going through the hypnosis surgery. And with the power of suggestion that accompanies the surgery—including more follow-up assistance than a patient might ever receive after a traditional gastric bypass surgery—Rena Greenberg helps post-surgery patients adjust to cutting the food, fighting any cravings and, ultimately, keeping off the fat.

Many clients admit that they don’t even feel the need to eat as much after the clinical hypnosis session(s), and when they do eat, they choose healthy foods in smaller portions. An overall sense of fullness, and at a much faster rate than pre-hypnosis surgery, effectively replaces the previous desires for unhealthy eating.


The complete Gastric Bypass Hypnosis At Home System can even be purchased as an immediate download from Greenberg’s website, Depending on a client’s needs, the program can be done from the comfort of your own via private lessons with Greenberg or on your own with the at home system.

Another popular treatment offered by Greenberg is the Smoking Cessation program. For those who have resolved time and again to quit, who have tried to quit but keep starting again, or even for people who know someone that wants desperately to kick this habit, Greenberg’s Smoking Cessation program provides a revolutionary alternative to traditional methods of quitting.


The Think and Quit Smoking Cessation program delves into the subconscious to root out the true reasons for your addiction, and then addresses these reasons one by one. As many smokers have tried to quite time and again, Greenberg’s clinical hypnosis—whether through private treatments or by use of the at-home CDs and books—will get to the root of dependence and addiction. With positive reinforcement, and through a client’s own easy willpower, smoking can be a thing of the past. Not only will your health improve in folds, your wallet will feel the once-heavy burden lifted as well.

With Rena Greenberg’s easy willpower methods of positive reinforcement, you don’t have to be a statistic anymore.

So don’t delay any longer—there’s no time like the present to make good on years of unresolved resolutions. You can lose the weight and quit smoking through the positive power of suggestion today!

For more information, visit Rena Greenberg’s website:



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