The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Your Baby’s Nursery

By Julie McCaffrey, Pish Posh Baby Parenting Expert

Baby’s coming home from the hospital soon and into his or her new home – but is the nursery ready to receive your new bundle of joy? Organizing your new baby’s first space in your home can be a very exciting time and it can also be very overwhelming.  Many of your first thoughts will be around colors and themes but when your baby arrives it will much more concerned with the functionality of the room. Here are some simple tips will make your baby’s nursery practical, safe and functional and still beautifully designed.

Nursery Do’s:

  • Select a design that can grow with your baby.  Choose neutral colors or themes.
  • Leave room next to your changing table for all things diaper changing such as diaper pail and extra diapers. Everything should be within arm’s reach.
  • Install a fire alarm in the nursery above the door, insert covers on all outlets and anchor all furniture to the walls with straps. Doing these things now will give you a head start for busier days when your baby is on the move.
  • Put the nursery in a room close to yours (if you have the option). When you wake up to the middle of the night feeding you will be happy to have the baby close by.
  • Choose paints and flooring that will make it easier for your baby to breathe and decrease toxic fumes. Paints that contain no VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) are a better choice. Wood floors are a better option than wood.
  • Make space for you, such as, including an overstuffed chair or glider. This also makes for a comfortable spot for nursing.
  • Good lighting is an important part of the design with a dimmer or small lamp for late night feedings and middle of the night wake-ups. A night light helps
  • Don’t underestimate the amount of storage you will need—there’s linens, gear, clothing, diapers and much more.

Nursery Don’ts:

  • Don’t wait too long to start the nursery.  Leave plenty of time to air out new furniture and freshly painted spaces. Getting a head start will also prevent stress and ensure that you will have enough energy to finish the job.
  • Don’t assume the nursery will always just be a nursery. Down the road it may also be a playroom or shared room for siblings.
  • Never place anything that dangles or hangs near the baby’s crib. Also be cautious about hanging glass framed pictures or anything heavy above the crib.
  • Do not place a crib near a window or air vent.
  • Do not floor lamps or long curtains that hang to the floor. Newborns soon become toddlers that can pull things down.
  • If you’re using a family hand-me down crib or vintage piece, make sure it hasn’t been recalled and is safe for baby.

Good luck & happy decorating!

Julie McCaffrey




Bio for Julie McCaffrey

Parenting expert Julie McCaffrey is a proud mommy to 3 kids and owns BabyNav Baby Planners where she offers personalized consultation to new and expecting parents along with functioning as the Chief Brand Officer at—the high-quality baby store that supplies the facts and advice, along with the right choice, to parents who are completely lost in the whirlwind of baby gear. She loves to help moms and dads navigate everything from baby gear, preparing for multiples, getting back to work and getting the whole family on a routine.





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