
Gym Beauty Tips – How to Avoid Post-Exercise Face

Being a busy mom that is also savvy with time management is praise-worthy. Self-care is extremely important, so if you have found the time for working out while juggling other things in your everyday schedule, we salute you!

5 back-to-school tips to maximize family time

As summer comes to a close, the anticipation of the new back-to-school year can be both exciting and stressful. Summer fun will soon give way to after school activities, sports and homework. Mornings will become slightly more hectic and fast-paced as everyone races to get their backpacks and get out the door.

Don’t Let Infertility Win – Consider Frozen Donor Eggs

For any woman who desperately wants a child, finding out that her eggs are no longer viable can lead to a powerful range of emotions. Failure, guilt, jealously, anger, rage; they’re all common feelings. Throw sadness, emptiness, self-pity, and anxiety into the mix and who could blame her for feeling like her dreams of becoming a Mom have been ripped apart?

From coaching the stars to coaching you:

You may know her as the talented, and insanely fit, dancer on Dancing with the Stars, or as a judge on Dancing with the Stars Australia, but what you may not know is that Kym Johnson is your new best friend to help you get into shape! She recently came out with her 5678 fitness program which includes exercise videos and a book that are designed to help keep you on track throughout your fitness journey.

Is Exercise Making You Feel Sick?

We’ve been cooped up all winter, and now that the weather is warming up it’s time to be outside riding bikes, walking, running and playing with the kids. But with the beauty of spring comes the misery of allergies. “As a pharmacist and long-time allergy sufferer, I’ve discovered how using natural remedies and lifestyle measures can help alleviate allergy symptoms so that you don’t have to hide indoors or suffer with drug side-effects,” says Sherry Torkos.

Quick Beauty Tricks for a Busy Morning

When you’re crunched for time, you may be tempted to ditch the pampering from your morning routine. No matter how quickly you have to dash out the door, you can always find shortcuts to your daily beauty regimen that let you look and feel your best.

8 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Sharp

The brain is the body’s most complex organ. It’s also the most important one. That’s why keeping it healthy is critical, especially as you age. Every day, scientists are discovering how closely our minds and bodies are connected. As it turns out, the things that you do to keep your body and heart healthy may also be good for your brain.

From the Tank to your Beauty Arsenal

Shark Tank is known for some of the wackiest products, especially when it comes to products related to beauty and health- remember “Cougar Energy”? But there are a few ideas that end up making it into the realm of actually useful.

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