back to school

Create your child’s ideal homework station

All hands on deck…school is just around the corner! Once you’ve got the school supplies and new school clothes, it’s the perfect time to get your student’s homework station ready to go for the new school year.

5 back-to-school tips to maximize family time

As summer comes to a close, the anticipation of the new back-to-school year can be both exciting and stressful. Summer fun will soon give way to after school activities, sports and homework. Mornings will become slightly more hectic and fast-paced as everyone races to get their backpacks and get out the door.

Top 5 Brain Booster and Brain Buster Apps

It’s no secret that today’s generation of students are more familiar with touchscreens and social media than they are with spiral notebooks and the #2 pencil. Districts across the country are investing heavily in technology for their students to make learning, and teaching, easier.

Back-to-School Essentials You Didn’t Know Your Kids Needed

Whether the kids just started school or are anxiously (or not so anxiously) awaiting the first day back, you’ve probably made a list of back-to-school necessities. What that list probably doesn’t include is a way for your kids to update their schedules on their own, the perfect storage container to carry pencils and lipgloss, and a few ways to help the environment and give to those less fortunate. Our back-to-school essentials will not only give you a little more peace of mind as a parent but also encourage the kids to make their community and the world a little bit better.

10 Ways To Make Carpooling With Kids Easier

Busy families rely on carpooling moms and dads to get their kids to and from school and extra-curricular activities on time. Carpooling can be a real nightmare if you’re not organized. Below are 10 tips to help you keep your sanity and get the kids where they need to be on time.


It’s hard to believe that the kids are heading back to school already! At least while they are in school there is that small sigh of relief knowing that they are safe. It’s getting to & from that always makes me a little nervous. We are extra cautious at the beginning of the year & with the little ones when they start out but as the year goes by maybe we don’t pay as much attention as we once did. It addition to our simple tips below I strongly encourage you to visit the National Sex Offender Registry before you children head out the door!

Tips For A Stress-Free Transition From Summer To School Time

Summertime is filled with memory making opportunities. Time spent at the beach, picnics in the mountains, and traveling to visit out-of-town family and friends can cause us to forget the responsibilities and routines that await us in the fall. Summer ends all too soon and getting families ready for the school year is an essential part to the end of summer.

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