your period

Do Women Really Need a Period?

It might sound unnatural or even impossible, but thanks to modern medicine, ditching your period for months, years or even permanently is definitely within reach for certain women wanting to part with Mother Nature’s monthly “gift.” Sure, periods were great back when pregnancy scares were a real issue – because let’s be honest, we’ve all been there before – but if you’ve currently got a full house, an empty uterus and are just plain tired of menstruating, why not get rid of your period all together? For those seeking to part with their period, we’ve got some awesome news you should be privy to. But first – a fun facts about women’s most hated time of the month

The Pros and Cons of Switching to Menstrual Cups

We are all familiar with the functionality of a cup. You know, the kind you drink your green juice from. But not every woman is familiar with the kind that gets inserted and acts as a catch-all during that time of the month. On that note, here are some pros and cons of using menstrual cups as part of your monthly feminine hygiene routine.

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